To understand the tremendous growth the dry cleaning industry has enjoyed for the past 20 years, and the growth it will certainly experience in the years to come, consider these factors:
Personal garments today contain more natural fibers - wools, cottons, linens and silks. These fabrics require professional cleaning and finishing.
There are 50% more women in the workforce today, and this percentage continues to grow. Both men and women require the professional services of a garment cleaning store.
Today's hectic lifestyle dictates that we do not have time to clean and finish our garments at home.
The many varied materials, from natural fabrics to synthetics and everything in between, can all be treated safely by the professional dry cleaner, resulting in greater longevity of garments and better appearance.
A professional Cleaning Store can provide a nice income for the owner-operator or can be operated as an investment with absentee management It is also an ideal business for the entrepreneur who wishes to expand into a multiple store operation.
In short, there's never a shortage of dirty clothes. In fact, U.S. News & World Report has listed dry cleaning among 10 fields "where fortune beckons" As mentioned in the U.S. News & World Report article, "The American millionaire is more likely to resemble the local dry cleaner than a figure cast in Hollywood." The best part is that it's all up to you. You determine the level of your success, and the sky's the limit.
T: (423) 586-5370
F: (423) 586-3470
185 Cold Creek Drive
Morristown, TN 37814 USA
© 2025 Forenta, LP